george reeves meaning in Chinese
- Born oct . 9 , 1979 , in des moines , iowa and raised in nearby norwalk ( about 100 miles south of woolstock , the hometown of tv ' s original “ superman , ” george reeves ) , the strapping 6 ' 3 " actor - known to his friends and family and sometimes professionally credited as “ b . j . ” - was a high school athlete who swam and played soccer , as well as starring in several theatrical productions
1979年10月9日出生于爱荷华州迪莫伊市,并在邻近的诺沃克(荧幕首位“超人” ,乔治?里夫斯的家乡沃尔斯多克以南约100英里)长大,这位六尺三寸、身材魁梧的演员- -被其亲友视为、有时则被称为专业“新闻学学士” - -曾是一位高中游泳及足球运动健将,并主演了几部剧场制作片。